রবিবার, ২০ নভেম্বর, ২০১১

                                          Breast Tumor
Tis-carcinoma in situ
To-not palpable
T4-a.chest wall (fixed to chest wall)
     b. skin involvement(oedema,lymphocytic infiltration,ulceration,satellite node
No-no nodal
N1-ipsi mobile axillary LN
N2-ipsi fixed
N3-Ipsi internal mammary LN/
      clavicular node/
        arm oedema
Mo-no met
N1-distant met

l  stageI=<2cm
l  stageII=<2cm  +ipsi ax LN(not fixed LN/<N2)
                 2-5cm±ipsi ax LN(not fixed LN/<N2)
l  stageIII=chest involvement + any stage of LN
                            any size + fixed LN
l  stageIV=any size+any LN+ dist.met
l  Stage     TNM                        description       5yearsurvival                                                       RX
l  I             TINoMo                            early                  84%
l  II             T1N1Mo/T2No-1Mo        early                  71%
l  III         any TN2-3Mo/T3anyNM0   locally adv         48%
l  IV         any T,anyN,M1                   metastatic         18%

                           Grading(Bloom & Richardson     grading system)

l  I=well differentiated
l  II=moderately diff
l  III=poorly diff
                                     NPI scoring(Nottingham Prognostic Indicator)
l  (.2xtumor size)+grade+ LN status
                                               1=no nodal
                                               2=1-3 nodes
High score =bad prognosis(80%survival for 15yrs)
low score   =good prognosis(13%survival for 15yrs)
NPI             prognosis         5yr survival
2-2.4           excellent          93%
2.4-3.4        good                 85%
3.4-5.4        moderate         70%
>5.4            poor                  50%
 good prog               bad prog
  ER(+ve)                  lymphovascular invasion
l  Grade
l  Hormone receptor status
l  Tumor proliferation
         s-phase fraction
         thymidine lebel index
         growth factor
         oncogene/oncogene product

l  >4cm
l  Multifocal
l  Central
l  Locally advanced
l  Metastatic
l  Inflammatory ca
l  Breast conserving surgery
l  Level 2/3 axillary clearance
          GradeIII,multifocal,near to skin/muscle
          >3axillary LN
          Lymphovascular invasion
                                         RELAPSE AFTER RADIOTHERAPY
l  <35years
l  Multifocal
l  Insitu(@margin of excision)
                               HORMONAL THERAPY
l  Tamoxifen(SERN)
l               1st line Rx for ER(+ve) & PR(+ve)
l                                     pre & post meno
l  Arimidex(aromatase inhibitor) blocks peripheral conversion of androgen to oestrogen
l   ER(+ve)post meno
l   ER(+ve)post meno intollerant to Tamoxifen
l   ER(+ve)post meno with thrombotic disorder
l  Zoladex (GOSERELIN)
l   ER(+ve) premeno
l    ER(+ve)
l  Young ER(-ve) premeno
l      gradeIII
l      large
l      lymphovascular invasion
l      LN(+ve)
l      young
l      visceral involvement
                  FEC/CMF 2cyles 3wkly
30%reduction of recurrence for 10-15years
To shrink the size prior mastectomy

                                 Adjuvant therapy (given after ot-CHOR)
l  LN (+ve)
l  Poor prognosis LN(-ve) premeno
                                     NEOADJUVANT(prior Ot  -HC)
l  Young woman
l  Young woman with High grade
l  >3cm
l  Down grade the tumor to do conserving surgery(to avoid mastectomy)
l  Inflammatory ca

l  If LN +ve= Radio/Chemo
Then look for ER
                        premeno        -Zoladex
                        postmeno     -Arimidex (musculoskletal    prob,path#)
                        pre/post         -Tamoxifen (most effective bt
                                            more adverse effects –thrombotic disorder)
                                            20mg/day for 2-5 years        
                                     PR(+ve)      -Tamoxifen
             ER(-ve)      =   Chemotherapy

l  Tamoxifen: for postmeno regardless of LN status
                      prevent controlateral recurrence
DISEASE               AGE                 SIZE            POSITION            FINDINGS                                    RX

Juvenile adenoma <15years                                                            red                               mammoplasty
fibroadenoma    15-40years    <1-<5cm    unilat                                                   <1-2cm  reassurance
                                                                                                                                       >3cm     enucleation
Giant F/A                                    >5cm                                                                                          excision
Phylloid               40-50years    >3cm(rapid growth)                                                            excision
Duct papilloma     35-50years  not>1cm       sing/multiple    bloody/watery dc          microdocotomy
                                                                                             ǿ2cm of nipple,                            /hadfield
                                                                                              single duct
                                                                                              us-dilated duct/papilloma
Periductal mastitis     35years                                          yellow dc,smoker
Lipoma                                                                                 radioluscent
Inverted nipple                                                                   tripple assessment
                                                                                              cytology                                     duct division/excision

Early(StageI & stageII) :WART(UK)with 1cm healthy margin
Locally advanced:MART
                  toileting mastectomy±radio/hormonal ±chemo
(but no axillary clearance)
Distant:                 MART
LCIS:follow up mammography±radio±axillary clearance

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