ROYAL COLLEGE MANUAL For management of DM in Surgical patients
conditions FBS 2HA 75gm glucose
DM ≥7 mmol/lit ≥11.1
IGT <7 ≥7.8 - ≤11.1
IFG ≥6.1 - <7.8 <7
Normal <6.1 <7.8
Indication of Insulin :
if FBS ≥ 16.7
BMI -≥ 25sq m/Kg
< 11.1- lifestyle change
>11.1- <16.7 -OHA
>16.7 -Insulin
Chance of wound infection:if FBS>11.1
FBS RBS remark
Gn medical cond/Surgery 90-126mg/dl <200 Low inf rate
Cardiac surgery <150 <150 Low sternal infection
Acute Neurological disorder 80-140
Type Minor surgery Major surgery
Pt on oral diet no precaution monitor 4hrly
if>12mmol/lit start GKI
Pt on oral agent omit on morning omit
start when pt on oral monitor 2hrly
if>12mmol/lit start GKI
Pt on insulin stop insulin when pt on NPO start GKI
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