শনিবার, ৫ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১১

popliteal aneurysm

a 55 years old man, heavy smoker,from Chittagong, Bangadesh
presented to me with a painful swelling over back of knee for 1 month(with history of sudden onset)
difficulty in walking for same duration
rest pain for 15days
on examination:
  swelling was about 5x5 sq cm,over superior angle of right popliteal fossa, well defined,pulsatile,overlying skin was normal in colour but bit tense
there was a small tiny ulcer over tip of right big toe and leg was bit oedematous and superficial veins were bit engourged
it was warm ,soft,expansile,transilllumination test was +ve,flactuation and fluid thrill compression and reducibility were not checked as it was expansile(thinking of an arterial origin and risk of embolism)overlying skin was free  and was not fixed with underlying structures and there was no regional lymphadenopathy
on auscultation with bell bruit was heard
calf is warmth tense tender  (Homan's test not done)
musce power: foot flexors    -grade5/5
                      foot extensors-grade3/5 (common peroneal entrapment)
sensation:       soe of the foot-lost
                      anterior and lateral surface of leg-lost(common peroneal entrapment)

its a case of right popliteal aneurysm with entrapment syndrome(DVT+tibial and common peroneal nerve compression)with ishchaemic ulcer

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